As a little girl, I always thought I should be on the lookout for a hero. Maybe I watched too many fairy tales as a kid, but it seemed like everywhere I looked the idea that a woman is not complete without a hero or a prince charming, was embedded in my head.
One day, after one prince charming in particular turned out to be a toad – I knew I had to become my own hero. Since then, I have taken my business to a level I never even dreamed of, I have cultivated a sense of self-love that defies anything I could get from an external source and I have attracted a partner who is my equal.
I truly believe we are all meant to be our own heroes and I hope you walk away from this story, knowing you are all you need.
Sunny Lenarduzzi grew up dreaming of anchoring the 6 o’clock news broadcast. She wanted to be a journalist so she attended college for journalism and one of her first big assignments was covering the Olympics in Vancouver.
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