I don’t know about you but this quarantine thing has me spending a lot more time in my pjs and a lot less time washing/styling my hair! Silver linings, right?! Cue, the dry shampoo and a couple other products I rely on to keep me smelling delicious for my husband and daughter and looking somewhat presentable for anyone tuning into my YouTube channel!

If you’ve seen any of my content before, you know your girl loves herself some dry shampoo. The one I’ve been using recently is from a new company called, Waterl<ss. The reason I’m sharing about it is because I know your hair’s as dirty as mine right now, this stuff works, they have different products for different hair types/needs and most importantly, it was created for a cause much more significant than simply saving lazy ladies like me from having to wash their hair for another day or two… or five, who’s counting?
Waterl<ss was designed and launched with women in Cape Town during the Day Zero water crisis in early 2018. The brand offers a range of flexible non-wash day solutions that can be used without a drop of water. No matter if you’re choosing to skip a wash to save time, save water, or save your hair from the wear & tear of drying and styling, their collection of products provides solutions for more beautiful non-wash-days.
This dirty hair care routine has a handful of steps but the entire thing take about 4 minutes and your hair will look and smell so fresh and so clean. And before you leave a comment like “if it’s that many steps then why not just wash your hair?”, please note: 4 minutes is much less time than it takes to wash, dry and style this super thick mane of mine. Skipping a hair wash also saves me time and therefore, water in the shower… which I felt the need to clarify because I do still shower. Good hygiene is important, people. Always and right now.

My Dirty Hair Care Routine

Step 1 – Spritz bangs with Heat Shield Spray and comb with a super fine tooth comb.
Step 2 – Blow dry bangs down and side to side with palm of hand holding roots in place. (THIS IS KEY!)
Step 3 – Apply No Residue Dry Shampoo at roots, layer by layer. **Bonus tip – Try using dry shampoo before bed and before working out.
Step 4 – Brush with a boar bristle brush.
Step 5 – Spray ends with Weightless Smooth Dry Conditioner.
Step 6 – Douse my whole head with Rose & Peach Fragrance Mist, as needed! LOL

Shenae Grimes-Beech is an actor and YouTuber with a highly engaged community of like-minded women who are here to stand up for what they believe in and lean into discomfort, especially when it means doing the right thing.