Here’s the deal.
I know I have a while to decide on a name for Baby Beech #2, BUT my husband is adamant about landing on a name sooner rather than later (like yesterday, ideally) and I’m in no mental state to do so! I have a major case of baby brain x 100, because I’m juggling life, work, pregnancy and looking after a toddler full time. I simply do not have the mental capacity to decisively name a human being for the rest of forever right now!
I am genuinely terrified of naming this baby. With Bowie, it was so easy. Super early on in my pregnancy, we spent two days casually throwing out male rockstar’s names, because we knew that was the vibe we were going for and as soon as Bowie popped out of one of our mouths, that was it. David Bowie is an absolute legend and icon and I could think of no greater gift to give our unborn child than his name. Done and dusted. We genuinely never thought about it again. Never questioned it for one second. From the minute we said it and our faces lit up, we knew that it felt right. That was her name. Now, at two and a half, with her little personality in full swing, I cannot imagine a world where that child could be called anything but Bowie. She is SUCH a Bowie.
We thought it’d be the same with this kid. We thought we’d have it in the bag, no problem. We knew we wanted something that went well with Bowie and figured we’d run through a quick list and land on it in one conversation. We were sort of right. We actually did land on a name immediately. As soon as we found out the gender, we started talking names and that same day we had one we were sold on. We told all of our family members and everyone LOVED it. Then, they started referring to the baby by that name. BIG MISTAKE. Um, wait a minute. I know I said it was his name and I liked it when we wrote it on a piece of paper and said it aloud amongst ourselves, but now …not so much. Something about the way it came out of other people’s mouths just felt off. I loved it. I loved that everyone else loved it, but I hated hearing them say it. Which would likely become an issue over time. Just as quick as we’d landed on that name, I now wanted to throw it as far away as possible. That was not my child’s name.

So, back to the drawing board we went. And back again. Aaand again. We’ve tried a few names on for size now. Every week, we basically give the baby a new name and reference him by that name out loud all week long to see how it sits in our mouths and out in the world. We have one we’ve been going with for a couple of weeks now that we both really like, but we’re not sure in the same way we were with Bowie. How unsure we are is making me feel pretty sure we still haven’t found his name.
When we share the short list with close friends and family, everyone still votes for that first name we loved (until I started hearing people say it) and that’s making me second guess my judgement.
I’m only about halfway through this pregnancy, so I know I still have months before the decision needs to be made, but I can’t help but feel panicked about it. We’ve rattled through a long list of awesome names that fit the vibe of our family and nothing has jumped out as being his name. IT’s a big decision. It will last his lifetime and be a big part of his identity, unless he ever chooses to change it. That’s a lot of pressure!! I don’t want to give him something I feel half-hearted about. I was SO sure with Bowie and I want to feel the same about this little one’s name. He deserves that kind of confidence. And a great fucking name, like his big sis.
Did you guys ever struggle with naming your kids? Did you ever regret the name you ended up giving them? Have any name suggestions that fit the edgy, unique, slightly rock and roll vibes we went for with Bowie? Comment any and all below!
Shenae Grimes-Beech is an actor and YouTuber with a highly engaged community of like-minded women who are here to stand up for what they believe in and lean into discomfort, especially when it means doing the right thing.
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